Construction is permitted on the waterfront, subject to conditions
La Baule is subject to the Coastal Law, which governs the development of the coastline. Near the sea, for 100 metres from the high limit of the shoreline, it is only possible to build in areas where there are already buildings. It is therefore still possible to build on the seafront.
The Opération d'Aménagement et de Programmation (OAP) of the Secteur des Roches Rouges provides for the construction of a hotel, a Thalasso centre, a restaurant and housing.
More social housing to attract young families
The municipality imposes a rate of 20% to 30% of social housing in many zones. This is the case in the OAPs reserved for the construction of housing as well as in those which authorise the construction of several types of buildings:
- In the Guézy sector (in orange), which has not yet been built, there will be a mixture of housing, small offices and shops. Of the 50 to 55 housing units planned, 30% will be social housing.
Several OAPs of this type are not yet built, such as the OAP Secteur du Ménigot and the OAP Parc Neuf. They will also accommodate a mix of offices, shops and housing.
With the creation of these new districts, the city wishes to attract new inhabitants, especially young professionals and young families to prevent the population from ageing.
Around the station, construction has already begun and is intensifying
During the course of 2018, around fifteen property developments were marketed in La Baule, the vast majority of which are located around the railway station.
The Pole Station sector OAP (in orange) aims to develop business tourism: offices, shops and housing will be built in this sector. Of the 50 homes planned, 30% will be social housing.
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The Kel Foncier team wishes you an excellent land development!