Metz: 2,400 new homes in the city's ZACs

Metz: 2,400 new homes in the city's ZACs

Metz and its neighbouring municipalities are strengthening the housing production dynamic

Looking at the production of housing in 2017 and 2018, we can see that beyond Metz, it is the communes in the first ring of Metz that concentrate the bulk of new housing:

  • in Metz, the city centre of the Metropolis: 900 new homes in 2 years
  • in Woippy, a town near Metz: 200 new homes in 2 years
  • in Jury, Moulin-Lès-Metz, Le Ban-Saint-Martin and Saint-Julien-Lès-Metz: between 50 and 100 new homes in 2017 and 2018


Three ZACs will allow the creation of 2,400 housing units in the north and south of the city

Nearly 10% of the city of Metz is located in a Zone d'Aménagement Concerté(ZAC), which allows for the construction of many housing units, including :

  • in the Sansonnet ZAC (in purple): 12 hectares will be used to create 380 homes
  • in the Desvallières ZAC (in purple): creation of 330 housing units ( 25% of which are social housing) as well as shops
Housing construction ZAC du Sansonnet and ZAC Desvallières
Top: ZAC du Sansonnet. Bottom: ZAC Desvallières
  • in the ZAC de l'Amphithéâtre (purple): 265,000 m² of shops, offices, facilities and housing will be built

ZAC de l'Amphithéâtre Metz


The city of Metz should switch to PLUi in less than 2 years

The Local Urban Plan (PLU) of the city of Metz, approved more than 10 years ago, has undergone about ten modifications. The Metropolitan Metropolis of Metz should have a PLUi in less than 2 years. It will cover 44 municipalities, including Metz, and will make it possible to accommodate 20,000 new inhabitants by 2032, i.e. 1,400 new inhabitants per year.

The Agglomeration wishes to build more while reducing the consumption of new agricultural and natural areas by 50%. Residential housing will be built in municipalities where the employment market is dynamic. For the smaller communes that are further away from the heart of the Metropolis, housing will be built around the town centre.



Test Kel Foncier free of charge at to find out the list of plots of land with high building potential and to identify the land opportunities of the future PLUi of the Metropolitan Area.


Or ask for your test directly at or on 01 84 60 28 84

The Kel Foncier team wishes you an excellent land development!

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