In 2018, 56 sites were cleaned up and can now be used for housing and commercial property

In 2018, 56 sites were cleaned up and can now be used for housing and commercial property

10% of land is polluted or at risk in Saint-Denis, 9.8% in Saint-Ouen and 0.4% in the whole of France

The metropolises continue to attract French people in search of new jobs, despite high property prices. Some industrial sites have thus been surrounded by housing. The reconversion of these sites was then posed in order to densify the city and to move away these often obsolete polluting activities.

The commune of Saint-Denis, a former industrial bastion of the Île-de-France region, is in the process of being reconverted after Saint-Ouen, whose urban renewal projects covering more than 100 hectares have transformed the city into the "new Clichy".

The development of land in these former industrial areas is not without risk, because while 0.4% of land is polluted or at risk in France as a whole, polluted and at-risk land represents 10% of Saint-Denis and 9.8% of Saint-Ouen.


A polluted site impacts the financial balance of a real estate project but also the timeframe and the destination of the site

Cleaning up a site has an impact on the financial balance sheet of the real estate project and the destination of the land: in 2018, 77% of the sites cleaned up in France only authorise the construction of commercial property and only the remaining 23% authorise any type of construction, including housing.

The time required for diagnosis, decontamination and monitoring can also block any land project: a former petrol station from the 1980s finally became constructible in 2018 forcommercial property after a period of 10 years of decontamination followed by 10 years of monitoring.


2019: two emblematic sites in Lille and La Queue-en-Brie

In Lille (59): 1000 potential housing units on a site being cleaned up in the hands of a judicial liquidator

119 rue de Chanzy had been abandoned by the printer H2D, which went into liquidation on 27 June 2012 and was taken over by the judicial liquidator appointed by the Lille Commercial Court. This 55-hectare site to the east of Lille is currently being cleaned up. The construction potential amounts to approximately 1,000 housing units, or 60,000 m² of floor space.

In La Queue-en-Brie (94): 200 housing units to be built on a treated and unrestricted site

In La Queue-en-Brie, a former metalworking site of 0.7 hectares has been completely cleaned up and now allows the construction of housing of up to 4 levels. It is part of the "Le Chemin de la Montagne"development and programming guideline, with a construction objective of 200 housing units, and still requires the conversion of three potentially polluted industrial sites on three hectares: a metalworking workshop, a goldsmith's workshop and a construction company site.


Test Kel Foncier for free at to identify polluted and potentially polluted sites and impact your balance sheet.


Or ask for your test directly at or on 01 84 60 28 84

The Kel Foncier team wishes you an excellent land development!

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