Niort's Local Urban Plan has been in force since 2017
Jérôme Baloge, mayor of Niort and president of the Niort agglomeration community, is surrounded by Marc Thebault, deputy town planner.
A PLUi-D will be submitted at the end of 2019 for approval by the Agglomeration Council of the Niortais Agglomeration Community.
The commune of Niort is part ofthe Marais Poitevin regional nature park and has many natural and agricultural areas. The urban zones are mainly governed by the regulations of the UCa zones, which correspond to the urban centre and the peripheral suburbs, and UM, which concerns one parcel in two in the commune and corresponds to the districts on the outskirts of the town centre and its first fringe, whose occupation mode is mixed: housing, activities, equipment, etc. with a varied and non-ordered typology of buildings.
Niort, a historic city, is home to several real estate projects
7 building permits were authorised in 2018 for the construction of individual housing units in housing estates. These are located in the city centre and in the districts of Sainte-Pezenne, Tour-Chabot Gavacherie and Saint-Florent.
The whole of the city centre of Niort, which is home to historic monuments such as the Romanesque Keep, the Duguesclin barracks, as well as numerous buildings, houses and private mansions dating from the 15th to the 18th centuries, is protected as a historic monument. The banks of the Sèvre Niortaise river are classified as remarkable heritage sites. Any project envisaged in these areas will be subject to the opinion of the Architectes des Bâtiments de France.
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