Toulouse Metropole: a PLUi-H to produce 7000 homes per year by 2025

Toulouse Metropole: a PLUi-H to produce 7000 homes per year by 2025

The PLUi-H of Toulouse Métropole, which brings together the Local Urban Plan and the Local Housing Programme, was approved on 11 April 2019 and opens up numerous land opportunities to meet the construction objectives of 7,000 housing units in the Metropole's Planning and Sustainable Development Project (PADD):

  • 3500 housing units per year for Toulouse intra-muros
  • approximately2,000 housing units per year for the communes in the first ring of Toulouse
  • 1500 dwellings per year for the rest of the metropolis

11,500 plots of land affected by the PLUi-H of Toulouse Métropole

The land strategy for the metropolis aims to strengthen the central areas by pursuing and supervising the measured intensification of existing buildings and urban renewal.

The feasibility of11,500 plots of land, i.e. their maximum building potential in terms of urban planning rules, has been significantly increased by the approval of the PLUi-H. Thanks to the gain of one floor over a large part of the Toulouse municipality and the strong development of the sectors supervised by the community such as the ZACs and OAPs.

Focus on densification: 1 floor for buildings

1. Focus on vertical densification: one more floor is now possible in most of the major avenues in the Toulouse districts of Compans, Marengo, Bagatelle, Saint-Agne and Roseraie. The filling of hollow spaces is made all the more attractive.

2. Focus on horizontal densification to "fill the gaps":

  • 3 hectares of agricultural land north of the A62 in Toulouse intra-muros are now constructible (see photo above)
  • 20 hectares in the south-east of the Toulouse commune are placed in a medium and long-term urbanisation zone
  • In Colomiers, 7 hectares of urban development zones (AUm) are now dedicated to the creation of suburban and intermediate operations, for nearly 90 housing units
  • In Saint-Jory, 4.5 hectares will be used for 45 suburban housing units with plots of 800 m² each

3. Horizontal densification of suburban neighbourhoods to build a second house at the bottom of a plot on a plot already built and incentives to encourage the division of plots.

The Metropolis is developing construction in regulated sectors such as ZACs and OAPs

Toulouse Métropole provides a framework for the development of its city with Public Development Operations (OAP), which will ensure a quarter of the housing production over the period 2020-2025, and Concerted Development Zones (ZAC) such as the Borderouge ZAC in Toulouse. These OAPs and ZACs are concentrated in Toulouse intramuros and in the first ring of Toulouse.

In Saint-Orens-de-Gameville, the PLUi-H sets up a 16-hectare OAP with a project for 472 dwellings, at a density of 35 dwellings/hectare.

In Pibrac, 4.5 hectares are open to the construction of 300 housing units as part of a functional mix OAP.


Test Kel Foncier for free at to find out the list of plots of land affected by the new PLUi-H of Toulouse Métropole.


Or ask for your test directly at or on 01 84 60 28 84

The Kel Foncier team wishes you an excellent land development!

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