Lens (62)

Lens' PLU has been modified in summer 2019

The Local Urban Plan (PLU) of Lens , approved in 2006, has only been revised or modified infrequently. The last modification of June 2019 was the first modification for 8 years, if we exclude the compatibility following the declaration of public utility of 2018. The territory of the commune is divided by the PLU into different zones:

  • TheUA zonein the centre of the municipality covers 40% of the plots of land in Lens, where the construction of public facilities, commercial premises and collective and individual housing will be authorised. Around the future railway station (UA4), it will be possible to build high-rise buildings.
  • In the UB zone, which covers 38% of the plots in Lens, the construction of houses will be favoured, while preserving the natural spaces of the zone.
  • In the UD zone, which covers 10% of the plots in Lens, many buildings are part of the town's heritage and are therefore protected.

The Mayor of Lens, Mr. Sylvain ROBERT is surrounded by Mr. Jean-Paul DECOURCELLES in charge of urban planning

Formerly a mining town, Lens is now a town that is becoming more and more university-oriented and has a large number of higher education establishments. There are also many health facilities. In terms of entertainment, the city has a theatre and a museum.

The municipality of Lens has authorised 12 building permits located mainly in the west and centre of the town. They concern the creation of more than 500 collective housing units and about thirty individual housing units.


The land development in Lens presents many opportunities.


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The Kel Foncier team wishes you an excellent land development!