Besançon (25)

The Besançon PLU is regularly updated

Besançon's Local Urban Plan (PLU) is more than 10 years old. With a total of 9 modifications, the last of which dates from 2019, it is regularly adapted every 18 months.

Situated in the east of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, it is the historical and administrative capital. Besançon is also at the centre of the Grand Besançon Métropole and close to Switzerland, 60 kilometres away. Its historical and cultural heritage as well as its unique architecture make it the first green city in France and a city labelled as a place of Art and History.

In the city centre, the ground surface area is not regulated and the maximum authorised building heights are detailed in the Plan de Sauvegarde et de Mise en Valeur (PSMV) established by the city.

The mayor of Besançon, Mr Jean-Louis FOUSSERET, is surrounded by Mr Nicolas BODIN, deputy town planning officer

The city has an urban right of pre-emption in many areas, particularly in the east of Besançon. In the city centre and in the Planoise district, this right of pre-emption is reinforced.

Throughout Besançon, the city has created numerous reserved areas, mainly dedicated to road works and public facilities or works.

The municipality has authorised 50 building permits , most of which are for multi-family housing and some for single-family housing.


The land development in Besançon presents many opportunities.


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