Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole is experiencing the strongest demographic growth in France, with a rate of 1.3%, which explains the high need for housing production. This production of housing in the 31 municipalities that make up the metropolis is estimated at 3.7 million square metres of floor space.
The PLUi of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole opens up major land opportunities
The Local Intercommunal Urban Plan (PLUi) of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, which is to be approved in 2021, aims to make the metropolis a benchmark territory in terms of sustainable development for the period 2020-2030.
Between 2020 and 2030, the projections estimate construction at around 5,000 dwellings per year, a net increase on the 2007-2018 period, during which 3,800 dwellings were built, half of which were built in existing urban areas.
Over the period 2020-2030, 60% of new construction will be through densification, in existing urban areas, and 40% through urban extension, by creating new districts.
- Densification offers a potential of 32,500 dwellings, through the reconversion of wasteland or underused land, the increase of the maximum height and of the ground surface area as well as the creation of neighbourhoods in Zones d'Aménagement Concerté.
- The urban extension, which offers a potential of 22,000 dwellings, includes future urbanisation areas (closed or open) and, as a last resort, agricultural and natural areas.
Montpellier: the metropolitan heart of the city, concentrating 80% of the city's housing production in 2018
While waiting for the PLUi, land opportunities are allowed following the modification of the PLU of Montpellier in May 2019. The site of the Montpellier Business School (see photo above), located on a 70-hectare area, served by line 3 of the Tramway and included in theAvenue des Moulins OAP, has had its zoning changed. The maximum height is increased and is no longer constrained by the view easement of the Place du Peyrou. Pending the relocation of the school near the new Montpellier TGV station, the maximum potential is 800 dwellings, i.e. a quarter of the construction needs of the city of Montpellier.
In the Rauze sector (see photo below), 1500 m² of land are now included in a new collective housing zone. It is possible to build 20 dwellings there. In March 2017, a previous modification of the PLU had made it possible to release a potential of 4000 m² of floor space. A developer has submitted a permit for 37 dwellings and a first programme has allowed the construction of 20 dwellings.
The Pas du Loup business park, which covers 4.6 hectares, is now a mixed zone where housing can be built.
Test Kel Foncier for free at to find out the list of plots of land affected by the Montpellier PLU and to identify future land opportunities in the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole PLUi.
Or ask for your test directly at or on 01 84 60 28 84
The Kel Foncier team wishes you an excellent land development!